The Bay Area is a world-class destination for kiteboarding and windsurfing. Consistent winds, particularly from March to October, provide ideal conditions for those seeking the speed and thrills of sailing just above the waters surface. During these summer months, the temperature gradient between the cooler coast and the warmer inland areas results in a pressure gradient that drives the wind through the Bay resulting in opportunities to sail almost every day.

Due to the power and speeds generated by the winds, boardsailing can be dangerous.  It is strongly recommended that you take a lesson and are informed as to all safety procedures before participating in boardsailing. Following all local guidelines and being courteous to other members of the public will help to protect personal and public safety and ensure continued use of existing launches. The sites listed below are those that are currently designated as part of the SF Bay Area Water Trail and are used for boardsailing activities.

Designated SF Bay Water Trailheads used for boardsailing

The 411

The 411 is a collective of local kiters working to build community and safety at sites throughout the Bay Area. The primary goal of The 411 is to bring hyper-local information and connection to a growing population of Bay Area kiters. As the sport gains popularity, there is a growing need to introduce new kiters (and kiters new to the area) to sites in a way that encourages sensible kiting through responsible modeling and meaningful connection. Websites with information are important, but there’s nothing like connecting with real people who really know and care about a spot.
The 411 is a group of experienced and passionate athletes that spans almost every kiting site around the Bay. In addition to helping new kiters safely navigate new sites, the 411 strives to improve outreach, communication and advocacy for the sport. Contact the site 411 to get the latest information and a personal introduction to a site.

Additional Information/Resources

DRAFT Bay Area Boardsailing Plan – September 2019

San Francisco Boardsailing Association website has detailed information on other top Bay Area boardsailing locations, links to vendor/instructors, and additional resources.