
Suisun City Marina provides boat access to the sloughs and channels of Suisun Marsh, which is one of the largest contiguous wetland preserves in the nation. The 84,000-acre marsh, the largest remaining coastal wetland in California, lures bird-watchers, fishermen, hunters, and all categories of boaters.

Around the marina visitors can bike ride, visit the historic waterfront district, enjoy ice cream sandwiches at the It’s-It Outlet, visit a wildlife rehabilitation and education center, fish along Suisun slough, and hike or bird watch around the Grizzly Island Complex, and Peytonia Slough State Ecological Reserve.

Boat Facilities

Launch facilities consist of two concrete boat launch ramps (one for launching and one for retrieving) and three floating high freeboard docks.


From I-80, take CA 12-East toward Suisun City/Rio Vista. Take exit 58B for Civiv Center Blvd toward Suisun City/Main Street. Turn right onto Lotz Way then turn left onto Main Street, then left onto Cordelia Street then right on Kellogg Street. The marina is located at the end of Kellogg Street.

FAST’s Bus Route 5 stops at the Marina. Amtrak and Greyhound have stops in downtown Suisun City.


There is a large parking lot that offers ample parking on all but the most busy days. A $5 parking fee is required for cars with trailers and can be paid at an on-site kiosk. There is free parking along the fence for non-trailer cars.

Parking is allowed for up to 72 hours.


The restroom is located in the parking lot near the top of the launch and has flush toilets.


Amenities at the boat launch include picnic tables, a fishing dock, drinking fountain, and benches.

Restaurants and other amenities available within walking distance in the city’s historic Waterfront District.


The path of travel from the parking lot to the launch is flat and paved. The slope of the boarding piers (the docks located next to the boat ramp) changes with the tide, but is generally level at higher tides. The distance from the closest ADA parking space to the launch is approximately 110 feet. The ADA accessible restroom is located near the top of the ramp.

Safety Tips

Always check tides and weather before launching! Mudflats become exposed during low tides which can cause boaters to get stranded. Afternoon winds are frequent here, which can make returning to the launch more difficult.

Seasonal hunting is allowed within the Suisun Marsh seasonally. Check the CDFW website for current hunting information.

Wildlife Tips

With 88,000 acres of land, bays and sloughs, the Suisun Marsh is significant: it is the largest contiguous estuarine marsh in the entire United States. The complex combines natural tidal wetlands and artificially diked marshes. Each habitat attracts a special kind of wildlife. Some animals, like the Ridgway’s rail and Suisun shrew, live exclusively in these tidal wetlands. Rare, threatened and endangered species include the salt marsh harvest mouse, Ridgway’s rail, California black rail, bald eagle, Suisun aster, and soft-haired birds beak.

The Water Trail recommends boaters maintain a buffer distance of 50 feet from Ridgway’s rail habitat and not enter channels that are less than 100 feet wide, particularly during high tide events.

Trailhead Photos